Welcome to the story of our first baby!

Welcome to the story of our family.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

1 year check up

Max had his 1 year check up. Boy is he growing. He's up to 20 lbs and 14 oz. They measured him at 30 in long, but my at home measurements show that he's taller than that. He was in the midst of a meltdown when the doctor was trying to measure him which made it a bit of a challenge. Here's what he's been up to lately:

- eating 1/2 a PB&J sandwich and fruit for lunch
- attempting to use a sippy cup
- drinks half milk / formula bottles in attempt to transition off of formula
- aggressively hates getting his diaper changed or get his clothes changed
- walks when holding on to your hands or furniture, but isn't brave enough to try without holding on yet
- "plays" with Mook and the kitty every chance he gets
- calls Mike "dad" instead of "dada"
- shakes his head no whenever you say the word yes
- loves opening and closing drawers and cabinets
- wearing 12 - 18 month clothes
- has 6 teeth but the doctor said that his molars are getting ready to come in

1 comment:

  1. Such a big boy!! He's doing so well with eating. Vivi is still eating baby food, but always wants what we're eating so we try to give her as much as we can. Looking forward to the milk transition too.
