Welcome to the story of our first baby!

Welcome to the story of our family.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Allergy Test :(

Our poor little guy has had this horrible rash on his face for about 2 months. We've been to the doctor several times, applied creams, eliminated fruit, bought all new bottles, withheld the paci until bedtime, went back to our old detergent. You name it we tried it, but still the rash remained. Some days it would seem like it was getting better. Then all off a sudden it would come back full force. This weekend I had had enough. I called the pediatrician and obtained a referral to see an allergist as our pediatrician was pretty confident it was an allergy to something. We headed to an allergist this afternoon and they gave us a sheet of the most common allergies that kids have. We went through the list and highlighted all the things that Max has been exposed to. They had to test for allergies to dogs and I was praying that wouldn't be the issue as Mook is part of the family. After many skin pricks we had a partial answer. There are several things that Max reacted to, but that doesn't necessarily mean all or one of them is the culprit causing the rash.

For the next 4 weeks we have a Do Not Eat list which contains:
1. Apples
2. Strawberries
3. Walnuts
4. Mushrooms
5. Onions
6. Shrimp
7. Scallops

 Hopefully after removing these items the rash will go away. We'll revisit the doctor in 4 weeks to check our progress. If it hasn't gone away more testing is in our future. If it has gone away then we can slowly introduce the foods back 1 by 1 to see which one is causing the rash.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, poor Max!!! I wish I could give him a huge hug right now! We love you buddy and hope you feel better soon. Love, Aunt Jenn, Uncle Ben and Cousins Owen & Vivi
