Welcome to the story of our first baby!

Welcome to the story of our family.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Today after a very hot trip to the dog park, we headed to ToysRus for new toy shopping. We got this cool piano that Max seems like along with a musical ball that encourages crawling and a hammer. Of everything we got, it appears that Max likes the bag and empty box the best. We could have gotten that for free!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Interesting sleeping position...

Looks like he had a little too much to drink and passed out.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Foul Ball

Mike went to a Mets game tonight. He was able to catch a foul ball and brought it home for Max. Like most things, it went straight into his mouth. Someday he'll realize it's for him and his daddy to play catch with :)

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Max is 8 months

Max turned 8 months today. I tried to get pictures of him with his cute 8 month sticker on, but, again, it was quiet the challenge. He had a minor meltdown, then took the sticker off and started eating it. The book was the only thing that seemed to make him happy during our photo shoot.


Here's what he's been up to lately:
- still sleeping through the night like a champ
- loves peek-a-boo with daddy
- gets so excited when he sees Mommy, Daddy, Mook or the Kitty
- loves being in his walker so he can chase Mook and the Kitty
- has 100% mastered clapping his hands
- can hold his own bottle
- can sit up
- still has 4 - 8 oz bottles a day along with 2 solids
- army crawls, but still hasn't figured out how to do the real thing
- has 1 tooth and the other one is almost through
- based on my at home measurements he's about 29 inches long and weighs about 17.5 pounds
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Noticing the Cats

Max has really noticed the cats the last few days. Every time they are near he does anything he can to touch them. In this picture he ambushed them while they were eating. He seems to really like them. I guess we need to make better efforts to get rid of them before he becomes attached.

Too Big for the Infant Tub

For the last few weeks we have struggled in the infant bath tube because it had a stopper in to keep the infant from sliding into the water. Max was too big for it and the stopper was making it so he couldn't sit down in the tube. He would end up put his feet on the end and pushing himself up so he'd be in a laying position above the water. It was pretty interesting. I would have taken a picture, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have been internet appropriate.

We have now moved on to a big boy tub. Max splashed and played. For the first time ever, when I took him out of the tub he cried. I managed to snap a pic during the happy times.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Earlier this week we noticed that Max's 2 bottom, middle teeth were coming in. Today, one of them popped through the gums. Trying to get a picture of the tooth was a challenge. If Max could remember it, I'm pretty sure he would say that I was torturing him. The picture isn't the best but at least I can document the occasion.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!!

Today we headed to the DeNicola's for a BBQ & then off to watch the fireworks. I thought that Max was going to be scared because of the loud noises but I was wrong. He watched the fireworks and seemed entertained.

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Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Visit to Grandma Sandy's House

I took Max on his first airplane ride to visit Grandma Sandy in Indiana. I was so nervous about flying on the plane with him alone. I kept telling Max over and over again "please don't puke or poop on the plane." He listened! He had a bottle on the way up, passed out, and slept the entire flight. Grandma Sandy met us at the airport and after a battle with the car seat we headed to the Olive Garden for dinner before heading home.

Boy oh boy was dinner interesting. Max had a bottle while we ate. Just as we finished he threw up all over himself. He was covered in puke. We took him to the bathroom to get cleaned up only to find that he had also pooped out of his diaper and it had traveled up his back to his neck. After a massive cleaning session I was just about to put the diaper on and peed all over himself. The clean up started again. Finally, we were ready to go and began our journey home.

The next few days were filled with excited. Max played in the pool that Grandma got him. We went shopping while Max slept. Played with toys & the walker that Grandma got for him. He met Grandpa Jerry, Aunt Tina, Aunt Jenny, and Great Grandma Miller. It was so much fun.

Our flight home was pretty empty so we got our own row!

We had a fantastic time & can't wait until August when we'll see Grandma Sandy again.